Monday, November 10, 2008

The Barren Land (eh?) Part 1

Jinnah Airport, Karachi Pakistan

Usually when i travel i would insist on a direct flight, for the simple reason that i do not enjoy being cooped up in a plane with no where to run! i will start to hyperventilate :) i will make sure that i get an aisle seat too. it makes moving around easier especially when u travel alone, its no fun having to wake up a stranger from slumber when u have to go to the girls room.

this time around, i was so blur blur i booked the wrong flight! an hour stop in Karachi. we weren't allowed to leave the plane though, luckily most of the passenger got off in Karachi so it was not so bad, room to breathe.

It was a pity they didn't let us out, it would have been nice to look around since I've never been to Pakistan b4, entah bile plak bule sampai nanti. I found out that the airport was actually named after the founder of Pakistan, Muhd Ali Jinnah. Previously it was known as Quaid-e-Azam which means "Great Leader" a nick name they gave Muhd Ali Jinnah. - I slept less ignorant that night :)

Time to say goodbye

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